We look forward to connecting with grocery supply chain management professionals once again at FMI Supply Chain Forum. Collin Russell and Michael Schedlbauer are ready to share their expertise on warehouse automation solutions for your unique business challenges. Look for them at the conference and especially at the Tuesday morning breakfast bite!
In today's fast-paced world, getting products onto shelves swiftly is crucial. Hear Collin Russell, Director of Business Development, share how implementing warehouse automation can significantly reduce shrinkage, minimize inventory holding time, and streamline operations—in turn, earning customer loyalty and increasing profitability.
"Accelerating Speed to Market"
Tuesday, September 17 | 8:15-8:30 am
Use the link below to register on FMI's website and feel free to get a hold of us before or during the show. See you in Nashville!
Collin Russell, Director of Business Development | 616 888 2595 | collin.russell@tgw-group.com
Michael Schedlbauer, Vice President Business Development Grocery | michael.schedlbauer@tgw-group.com