Living Logistics
UN Global

UN Global Compact Declaration and commitment of the TGW Logistics Group

As a part of the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) network, we pledge to pursue the Ten Principles in the areas of human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption and undertake to promote them within our sphere of influence. The UNGC is the world's largest and most important initiative for responsible company management.

Below, we explain our activities in compliance with the Ten Principles of the UN Global Compact.

Businesses should support and respect the protection of internationally proclaimed human rights    

  • Part of the codes of conduct for employees and suppliers
  • TGW has the right to audit suppliers
  • The non-observance of human rights is a red flag as part of the TGW – Business Partner Compliance (supply chain due diligence)

Businesses should make sure that they are not complicit in human rights abuses    

  • Part of the codes of conduct for employees and suppliers
  • TGW has the right to audit suppliers
  • The non-observance of human rights is a red flag as part of the TGW – Business Partner Compliance (supply chain due diligence)

Businesses should uphold the freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining    

  • Part of the codes of conduct for employees and suppliers
  • Works council at TGW
  • TGW has the right to audit suppliers
  • The freedom of association is part of TGW – Business Partner Compliance (supply chain due diligence)

Businesses should support the elimination of all forms of forced and compulsory labour  

  • Part of the codes of conduct for employees and suppliers
  • TGW has the right to audit suppliers
  • Forced labour is a red flag in line with TGW – Business Partner Compliance (supply chain due diligence)

Businesses should support the effective abolition of child labour    

  • Part of the codes of conduct for employees and suppliers
  • TGW has the right to audit suppliers
  • Child labour is a red flag in line with TGW – Business Partner Compliance (supply chain due diligence)

Businesses should support the elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation    

  • Part of the codes of conduct for employees and suppliers
  • TGW has the right to audit suppliers
  •  Is a category for reports using the TGW – integrity line
  • Values team
  • Discrimination is a red flag in line with TGW – Business Partner Compliance (supply chain due diligence)

Businesses should support a precautionary approach to environmental challenges    

  • Part of the codes of conduct for employees and suppliers
  • TGW has the right to audit suppliers
  • Construction ecologist is consulted for new buildings
  • Electric cars
  • Environmental protection is part of TGW – Business Partner Compliance (supply chain due diligence); gross violations of environmental regulations and significant environmental protection violations are red flags

Businesses should undertake initiatives to promote greater environmental responsibility    

  • Part of the codes of conduct for employees and suppliers
  • TGW has the right to audit suppliers
  • Litter collection days/energy saving challenge
  • Shuttle service between the Austrian locations
  • Electric cars
  • Construction ecologist is consulted for new buildings
  • Is a category for reports using the TGW – integrity line
  • Environmental protection is part of TGW – Business Partner Compliance (supply chain due diligence); gross violations of environmental regulations and significant environmental protection violations are red flags

Businesses should encourage the development and diffusion of environmentally friendly technologies    

  • Part of the codes of conduct for employees and suppliers
  • TGW has the right to audit suppliers
  • Innovation Day

Businesses should work against corruption in all its forms, including extortion and bribery    

  • Part of the codes of conduct for employees and suppliers
  • TGW – Gift Approval and Guideline for Avoiding Economic Crime
  • Is a category for reports using the TGW – integrity line
  • TGW has the right to audit suppliers
  • Corruption is a red flag in line with TGW – Business Partner Compliance (supply chain due diligence)


As a signatory company, the TGW Logistics Group is committed to consistent compliance with the UNGC’s Ten Principles for responsible business. We also expect the attitude of global responsibility that this entails from all our employees, partners and suppliers. Entrepreneurial action and social responsibility are inseparably linked at TGW. As part of our commitment to society, various charitable initiatives and social projects as well as aid organisations in our immediate environment are supported.

The above mentioned principles are part of our corporate culture and are anchored and written down in our respective Codes of Conduct.

Code of Conduct Mitarbeiter EN

142,79 kB

Code of Conduct Lieferant EN

109,57 kB
TGW Standort Marchtrenk


Dynamik und Volumennutzung: Fokus unserer Shuttle-Systeme und automatischen Kleinteilelager.


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