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Mixed colorful spices in bowls and on spoons Mixed colorful spices in bowls and on spoons
Retrofitted Warehouse Automation

Almi & TGW Logistics

Grocery Logistics

Retrofitted Warehouse Automation for Almi

By modernizing Almi's warehouse automation systems, TGW Logistics was able to slash their costs and boost performance for more sustainable logistics. Want to know more? Watch step by step how TGW Logistics has worked together with Almi to make their AS/RS Modernization a success!

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Satisfed Customer

“Sustainability is of great importance to Almi. We do not want to pave over more green areas, so we decided from the beginning to optimize the existing facility so that we will be well equipped for the future.”

Stefan Lackinger | Production Manager


Thinking of Modernizing your Warehouse?

Contact Our Industry Experts Today

Michael Schedlbauer, Vice President Business Development Grocery | TGW Logistics Michael Schedlbauer, Vice President Business Development Grocery | TGW Logistics

Michael Schedlbauer

Vice President Business Development Grocery

TGW Logistics è un'azienda di proprietà di una fondazione con sede in Austria e leader globale nell'automazione e nella logistica di magazzino. In qualità di system integrator di fiducia con oltre 50 anni di esperienza, offriamo servizi completi: progettazione, implementazione e manutenzione di centri di distribuzione avanzati comprensivi di meccatronica, robotica e soluzioni software innovative. Con oltre 4.500 dipendenti in Europa, Asia e Nord America, uniamo competenza, innovazione e un forte orientamento al cliente per supportare la sua crescita. Con TGW Logistics, trasformare la logistica del tuo magazzino in un vantaggio competitivo è possibile.