Bestsellers Logistikzentrum gerüstet für die Hochsaison
11. agosto 2015

TGW prepares Bestseller logistics centre for peak season demand

Automated logistics solutions provider TGW is extending the logistics centre of Bestseller, the Danish multi-label fashion retailer and one of Europe’s largest clothing companies.

Automated logistics solutions provider TGW is extending the logistics centre of Bestseller, the Danish multi-label fashion retailer and one of Europe’s largest clothing companies.

In 2009 TGW first installed an automated solution inside the distribution centre in Haderslev, Denmark, which enabled Bestseller to efficiently coordinate all of its European logistics activities from a single location. To accommodate a growing product range and to prepare for peak summer volumes, Bestseller is again optimising its on-site logistics processes.

The extension takes place in two phases. In spring, the never-out-of-stock (NOOS) area was extended in order to prepare for Bestseller’s peak season, which begins in July. Here, TGW has installed four more of its Commissioner automated storage and retrieval (AS/R) machines to optimise the existing 12 machines.

In addition, the connection to the TGW PutStation has been modified to increase performance and essential algorithms in the warehouse management system have been upgraded according to changing wholesale and retail requirements. This part of the system is on schedule to go live in July this year.

In the second phase, Bestseller will extend its logistics centre once more, to be better prepared for an even greater annual high in July 2016. The existing installation will be expanded with a comprehensive conveying system alongside 17 additional aisles with 420,000 storage positions.

The expansion of the sorter and its controls will be particularly challenging. This will take place during the Easter weekend over 120 consecutive hours in order not to interrupt the running operation, with go-live scheduled for July 2016


TGW press release - TGW expands Bestseller logistics centrer

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3D Picture of Bestseller installation

712,49 kB

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