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Empowering Consumer Goods Logistics

DIY & Hardware

TGW Logistics Makes It Possible

Streamline Your DIY and Home Improvement Logistics

Warehouse Automation Solutions

Rapid growth in the DIY and home improvement industries has forced manufacturers and retailers to rethink their storage and distribution operations. Higher consumer demand and the need for omni channel fulfillment to accommodate online orders are driving many companies to embrace automated consumer goods logistics to meet their business goals.

Logistics for DIY & Home Improvement

Common Challenges

  • A wide range of product types and sizes
  • High-volume material handling and shipping requirements
  • Seasonal demand and SKU fluctuations
  • Labor shortages
  • Complex product return management
  • High shipping and transportation costs requires optimized delivery volume

TGW Logistics helps companies overcome these obstacles by designing tailored warehouse automation solutions for efficiency and speed. Our partially and fully automated systems support companies in the DIY and home improvement spaces––including home accessories, gardening, and furniture.

Transform Your Workflow and Future-Proof Your Business

Combining brick-and-mortar and ecommerce order requirements in the DIY and home improvement sectors requires high-performance consumer goods logistics. Whether you’re a wholesaler, ecommerce operation, or major retailer, we have the automated tools that suit your specific needs.



TGW Logistics provides end-to-end automation technologies that integrate seamlessly into your current infrastructure. Our experts will work closely with you to understand your system requirements and design a solution for your unique business needs. Our goal is to help you overcome the challenges you face today and future-proof your operation for growth tomorrow.

Get in touch & learn how TGW Logistics makes it possible!

Unlock Successful Consumer Goods Logistics

Supply chain efficiency and a flexible fulfillment process are a must in the highly competitive DIY and home improvement industries. Bottlenecks, errors, and space limitations directly impact your operational costs and customer satisfaction rates. Partner with TGW Logistics and discover how automation makes growth possible.

Learn More

Speak With An Expert

Erich Schlenkrich, Vice President Business Development Industrial & Consumer Goods | TGW Logistics Erich Schlenkrich, Vice President Business Development Industrial & Consumer Goods | TGW Logistics

Erich Schlenkrich

Vice President Business Development Industrial & Consumer Goods

TGW Logistics è un'azienda di proprietà di una fondazione con sede in Austria e leader globale nell'automazione e nella logistica di magazzino. In qualità di system integrator di fiducia con oltre 50 anni di esperienza, offriamo servizi completi: progettazione, implementazione e manutenzione di centri di distribuzione avanzati comprensivi di meccatronica, robotica e soluzioni software innovative. Con oltre 4.500 dipendenti in Europa, Asia e Nord America, uniamo competenza, innovazione e un forte orientamento al cliente per supportare la sua crescita. Con TGW Logistics, trasformare la logistica del tuo magazzino in un vantaggio competitivo è possibile.