Microsoft Teams
25. April 2024 - 25. April 2024

Webinar: Surmounting Funding Hurdles for Automation

Welcome to our upcoming webinar on automation investments! We are excited to have two industry experts, Lou Leonardis and Nathan Wolf, joining us to discuss the importance of automation in today's market and the challenges companies face when it comes to funding these investments. We will explore various options for financing automation projects and the potential ROI. Our goal is to provide valuable information that can help you make informed decisions about your automation investments. Let's get started!

Inflation has been rising while order volumes are down, leading many companies to re-evaluate their investments and expenditures. This begs the question: when will this trend flip?

One trend that has been consistent in the market is the growing demand for automation. With advancements in technology and increased competition, companies are constantly searching for ways to improve efficiency and reduce costs. This is where automation comes into play. Join in on this webinar to learn how, by automating processes, businesses can increase productivity, reduce errors, and ultimately save money in the long run.


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TGW Logistics and OPEX® Corporation form a strategic partnership